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SAC Approves the Founding of National Technical Committee 606 on Technical Textiles

Recently, the Standardization Administration of China (SAC) announced the founding of National Technical Committee on Technical Textiles (SAC/TC 606). The committee is mainly responsible for the development and revision of national standards in the fields of general, test methods and products performance of technical textiles. Meanwhile, the Sub-Technical Committee on Technical Textiles of National Technical Committee on Textile (SAC/TC 209/SC 7) was disbanded, and its functions was replaced by (SAC/TC 606).


The first SAC/TC 606 consists of 163 members, Li Lingshen as Chairman, Ma Yongmei, Li Guimei, Zhang Yun, Wang Guojian as Vice-chairman, Liu Feifei as Secretary General, Huang Jingying as Deputy Secretary-general. The secretariat of SAC/TC 606 is in Textile Industry Standardization Institute, and China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) is responsible for the committees management and guidance.

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